Friday, November 5, 2010


Life can be so busy sometimes, and it's so easy to miss the little moments that really count for eternity. Life has definitely been that way for me these last few weeks.

During the middle of October, two of my dear friends came to stay with me for a week. And while this presented a little more busyness than usual, it also gave me some much needed, soul-refreshing conversation with fellow sisters in Christ.
In talking with Chloe and Joy, I was again reminded that there is more to the world than what revolves around the doings in my household. Souls are dying out there. Babies everywhere, every day are being murdered by the thousands as parents choose to sacrifice their children to the gods of Selfishness and Convenience. I look at my baby and marvel that anyone could be so heartless.

Then, on top of friends visiting, there was traveling to be done (first to my husband's family reunion, and then later to see some of my family), the daily/weekly chores of laundry, cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping, diaper changing, baby feedings, etc. It seems that there is never enough time to get it all done.

But yesterday morning, it hit me. I was so tired, and was holding my precious little baby who was wanting to be held, while thinking of all the things I needed to do: the bathrooms needed cleaning, there was grocery shopping to do, dishes to wash, laundry to fold, and the list went on. And here I was sitting here holding a baby who was only happy at that time if she was cuddling with me. I glanced down at her, and my heart melted. Her little face was tilted upward looking at me, while her hands clutched my shirt. Her eyes were filled with that baby-like trust, and she looked so happy and content to be sitting there in my lap.

It occurred to me, "You know, Melody, in the end, it won't have mattered if you always had a spotlessly clean house. But it will matter if you took out time to bestow on others--especially your own children." I then settled back and enjoyed an hour of cuddling with my precious little baby, and could not stop thanking God for her every time I looked at her.

And really, when Danielle grows up, I do not want her to remember her mother as one who was always so busy trying to keep the house "just so," that she never had time for her children. I want her to remember me as someone who loved her children, loved spending time with them, and who always had time to cuddle if they needed it. That is what will last--that is what will count for eternity. It's all about perspective. :-)


1 comment:

Rachel said...

Beautiful thoughts. Thanks Melody. :)